
We at GroupDocs, are pleased to announce another monthly release of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET. This latest release 18.10 of the API provides the ability to add and search Metadata Signature in Cells and Words documents. Furthermore, few improvements are also introduced in this version, therefore, we recommend you to download the new version of API and evaluate the exciting features to enhance document e-signing experience.


Metadata Signatures for Cells and Words documentsThe Metadata Signature is the additional document property that contains special attributes/tags to keep non visual information inside the document. Following example demonstrates how to compose Metadata Signature options for Cells document:

// setup options with text of signature
CellsMetadataSignOptions signOptions = new CellsMetadataSignOptions();
// Specify different Metadata Signatures and add them to options sigature collection
// setup Author property
CellsMetadataSignature mdSign_Author = new CellsMetadataSignature("Author", "Mr.Scherlock Holmes");
// setup data of document id
CellsMetadataSignature mdSign_DocId = new CellsMetadataSignature("DocumentId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
// setup data of sign date
CellsMetadataSignature mdSign_Date = new CellsMetadataSignature("SignDate", DateTime.Now);
// setup some integer value
CellsMetadataSignature mdSign_Days = new CellsMetadataSignature("DocDays", 12345);
// setup data of sign date
CellsMetadataSignature mdSign_Koeff = new CellsMetadataSignature("SignKoeff", 2.345M);
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign("Sample.xlsx", signOptions,
	new SaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String, OutputFileName = "Words_Document_Metadata" }); 

Search Metadata Signature in Cells and Words documentsYou can search for Metadata Signatures within the Cells and Words documents. Following example demonstrates how to search Metadata Signatures in Words document:

// setup search options
WordsSearchMetadataOptions searchOptions = new WordsSearchMetadataOptions();
// search document
SearchResult result = handler.Search("SignedMetadata.docx", searchOptions);
// output signatures
List signatures = result.ToList();
foreach (WordsMetadataSignature signature in signatures)
	WordsMetadataSignature metadataSignature = signature as WordsMetadataSignature;
	if (metadataSignature != null)
		Console.WriteLine("Words Metadata: {0} = {1}", metadataSignature.Name, metadataSignature.ToString());

Additional Verification CriteriaThis latest version of the API provides ability to search comments of Digital Signatures in Words document.

public string Comments { get; set; } 


  • Support of password protected Open-Documents-Spreadsheet ODS file formats
  • Search results conversion to typed list of signatures
  • Global Exception handler to catch all not handled exceptions

Available Channels and Resources

Here are a few channels and resources for you to learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Signature API for .NET:


As always, you are welcome to share your feedback to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.