GroupDocs Editor for Java

We are pleased to announce GroupDocs.Merger for Java 18.12 with many new features. This latest release provides the ability to change page orientation along with a feature to rotate pages in the document. Furthermore, you can also get a list of all the formats supported by the API. Please check GroupDocs.Merger for Java 18.12 release notes for further reference.


Change Page OrientationNew method changeOrientation let you change page orientation (portrait, landscape) for pages in the document.

DocumentResult result = new DocumentHandler().changeOrientation(documentExample, OrientationMode.Landscape, new int[]{1,6});

Get Supported FormatsMethod getSupportedFormats() is added to get all formats supported by the API.

Map documentFormatsContainer = new DocumentHandler().getSupportedFormats();

Rotate PagesrotatePages method allows you to rotate pages in document.

DocumentResult result = new DocumentHandler().rotatePages(documentExample, RotateMode.Rotate270);

Supports Diagram and Note FormatsDiagram and Note formats are supported by following methods:

  • Join
  • MovePage
  • RemovePage
  • Split document
  • SwapPages
  • Trim

Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Merger: