GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET GroupDocs team is introducing a bunch of enhancements in this monthly release of GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 18.5. Using the latest version, you can now search and replace metadata using a regular expression, read DublinCore metadata using a unified approach, and edit ZIP archive comments. Furthermore, memory consumption is now reduced for ZIP, torrent, and EPUB file formats. We recommend you to install and use the latest version of the API.

EnhancementsFollowing are the enhancements introduced in version 18.5.

For details about the features supported by the API, please visit Features Overview.

Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET.

FeedbackAs always, if you have some questions, queries or suggestions about GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET API,  just share with us by creating a forum thread.