GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET is a downloadable library that allows developers to add cross-platform, multi-format document annotation functionality to any web-based app or site. Recently we’ve created an add-on specifically for Concrete5 users to make it easy to integrate the library into their websites. The add-on has been approved by Concrete5 admins and is now available for download from the official Concrete5 marketplace. How can Concrete5 site owners and developers benefit from this release? With the GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET library integrated into your site, you can seamlessly embed over 50 document and image types along with an annotation widget to any page within your website. Supported file formats include: PDF and Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Visio diagrams, CAD drawings, raster images and a lot more. End users can view and annotate documents on your website using any standard web-browser and without having to install any office software. GroupDocs.Annotation can significantly enhance your document collaboration workflows as it allows multiple users to annotate the same document at time. Moreover, users can access and annotate documents from anywhere, anytime and using any web-enabled device. Another benefit – is the ability to share documents in a “read-only” mode. Original documents are not downloaded to user machines during view/annotation sessions. And thanks to the Digital Fights Management (DRM) feature, you can prevent users from printing, downloading and copy/pasting the documents you share. This new integration is the second GroupDocs.Annotation add-on released for Concrete5. Earlier we’ve published an add-on that allows you to integrate the cloud-based version of the annotator. So, if you prefer a SaaS deployment option, please refer to this page, and if you are interested in the downloadable .NET version, please visit this page for further details on the integration and to download the add-on.