Logo Image The GroupDocs team is excitedly announcing the GroupDocs.Annotation Frontend for the Java Servlets developers. The purpose behind this release is to expedite the developers to understand the implementation of GroupDocs.Annotation or write their own document Annotation Application using GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 3.x.. It is an alpha release of the project but most important functionalities have been implemented in this release. GroupDocs users are free to customize and enhance the application by their own. This project is already published on GitHub.

Java Servlets Frontend FeaturesThe servlets based Frontend provides end users with tools needed for annotating and viewing of a documents in a browser. The application provides all the most commonly used UI controls, including:

  • Apply Annotations.
  • Add comments.
  • Download As PDF
  • Ability to change the source document by providing its path in the application

Supported Annotations Types in Servlets FrontendSince it is an alpha release of the product so, GroupDocs.Annotation for Java provides only the rectangle annotation with PDF documents only.

Requirements to Run Servlets based Frontend

  • Pre-requisites for GroupDocs.Annotation for Java Servlets front-end are:
    • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
    • Maven 3
    • Any latest browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE9 or greater, Safari etc. )
  • To run the application from command line, follow the given steps.
    • Inside the project folder, run mvn jetty:run command.
    • Go to browser and type “http://localhost:8080/”.

Java Servlets based Frontend - DownloadsThe application can be downloaded from GitHub Repository.

Contribute in Java Servlets FrontendThe developers can also contribute to the Frontend through one of the following ways:

  1. Find an issue or an idea of new feature – fix it and submit a pull request.
  2. Find an issue or an idea of new feature – create an issue in the Github. In this case, GroupDocs Support Team will look on it.

Every effort by the developers/customers would be appreciated.