We are pleased to announce the new release of Next Generation GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET 3.1.0. with some exciting features. In this version, some new features has been introduced along with some important fixes. Also, this version has a new installer. We recommend that you download and update the library as soon as you can.
New Features Introduced in Version 3.1.0 In this new release of GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET 3.1.0 new methods are introduced to return all possible Comparisons for provided file type extension or provided stream. Also, a new event is introduced to support Encrypted Files Comparison and Auto detect File extension along with more improvements in API for smooth and fast Comparison. Here are some highlights: In Next Generation GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET, there is no more dependency for Web.UI based classes. Included advanced options in each class makes it simpler and Secure for any .Net applications developer.
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a Stream
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a file
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a file with Extension
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a Stream with Comparison Settings
- Automatic Format detection with Saving Results into a Stream with Comparison Type and Settings
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a Stream for Encrypted Documents
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a file for Encrypted Documents
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a file with Extension for Encrypted Documents
- Automatic Format Detection with Saving Results into a Stream with Comparison Settings for Encrypted Documents
- Automatic Format detection with Saving Results into a Stream with Comparison Type and Settings for Encrypted Documents
- Automatic Format detection with Saving Results into a File with Comparison Type and Settings for Encrypted Documents
For more details about supported document formats, please visit Features Overview. Available Channels and Resources Here are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Comparison:
- Downloads - MSI Package as well as Zipped DLLs
- NuGet - Nuget install
- Documentation - Product Docs
- Video Tutorials - YouTube videos
- Product Support Forum - Technical Support Forum for GroupDocs.Comparison
- Examples/Plugins/Showcases - Github source code examples
Feedback As always, you are welcome to share your feedback to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.