GroupDocs.Comparison for .Net

GroupDocs team is continuously adding support for new features and trying to improve GroupDocs.Comparison API for its precious user. We are glad that we are receiving many feedback from users and we are trying to provide features which are being demanded by our valuable customers. GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET is growing each day therefore we are providing new releases every month, in this regard we are happy to announce another exciting monthly release for GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET 3.5.0 API with many new features and improvements. Current release is providing support for Multiple word  document comparison with single resulting file with track-changes option support. We suggest you to upgrade you Applications with latest release to add more feature.


Document Comparison API - ImprovementsFollowing are the features that are improved in the latest version of the document comparison API.

For more details about supported document formats, please visit Features Overview.

Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET API:

FeedbackWe always welcome to our valuable Customers to share  their feedback and suggestions to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.