
Verify Digital Signature in Documents using C#

Digital Signatures in documents look similar to the paper-based signatures, however, being certificate-based electronic signatures they contain the identity of the signer in encrypted form. The certificates are issued by trusted and authorized Certificate Authorities. These authorities identify the person the certificates are issued to. This is why the digitally signed documents can be verified at any time. In this article, I’ll show you how to programmatically verify the digital signature in PDF, Word, and Excel, documents by using GroupDocs.
· Usman Aziz · 2 min

Introducing Simple and Easy to Use .NET Document Conversion API

We are introducing a new public API that is designed to be implemented easily. Those who are using previous version of the API (below 19.9), you don’t have to worry. The legacy API has been moved into legacy namespace. If you want to upgrade to v19.9, it is required to make project-wide replacement of namespace usages from GroupDocs.Conversion to GroupDocs.Conversion.Legacy in order to avoid any build issues. Why to use new version?
· Atir Tahir · 1 min

A simplified and easy to use document comparison API

A major advantage of GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET is its ability to tightly integrate with any .NET project. This integration gives an extra mark to your application or project. GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET 19.9 comes with a lot of breaking changes. The legacy API have been moved into Legacy namespace**.** So, when you update to this version it is required to make project-wide replacement of namespace usages from GroupDocs.Comparison. to GroupDocs.Comparison.Legacy to resolve build issues.
· Atir Tahir · 2 min

View MPP Files Created in MS Project 2019 using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 19.9

Hello everyone! We have recently released version 19.9 of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET with the support of new file formats as well as a number of bug fixes. So in this post, I am going to write about what is new in this release particularly for those who are interested in viewing Microsoft Project files (.mpp) using .NET API. Microsoft Project is a famous project management software that is proved to be helpful for the managers as well as the other stakeholders in making, organizing, tracking and analyzing their project plans.
· Usman Aziz · 3 min

Get Document Metadata without Editing in C#

We have added a lot of new options and features in this major release/update of GroupDocs.Editor for .NET 19.9. All public methods/classes have been moved to Legacy namespace and they are marked as obsolete. Now, when you update to this latest version, it is required to make project-wide replacement of namespace usages from GroupDocs.Editor. to GroupDocs.Editor.Legacy to resolve build issues. Access release notes here. Why to migrate? Editor class introduced as a single entry point to manage the document editing process to any supported file format (instead of EditorHander class from previous versions) Architecture is redesigned to decrease memory usage Simplified document editing and saving options See difference in code
· Atir Tahir · 2 min

Add Watermark to a Batch of Documents and Images in .NET and Java

Watermarking is a popular technique to indicate that the content or data inside a document is copyrighted. On the other hand, it is also used to place the company’s logo or some kind of label in the documents before they are shared within or outside the company. However, it is quite hard to apply the watermark to a bunch of documents one by one. It becomes harder if you have documents of various formats such as PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, EML, JPG, PNG, etc.
· Usman Aziz · 2 min

Save Assembled Word Processing Document as a Markdown File

Markdown is a well known and one of the popular markup languages these days. The appearance of the text in Markdown is controlled using the syntax instead of using rich text editors or applications such as MS Word. The best thing is, it is a lightweight language and can be written in the plain text editors such as Notepad. As far as its usage is concerned, Markdown is popular in writing wikis, readme files, and others.
· Usman Aziz · 3 min

Best Practices in Metadata Management

Before going in-depth to Metadata management, let’s discuss what the metadata is? The Metadata summarizes basic information about data. In other words, it’s an information which describes the data that contained in something like a web page, document, or file. Another way to think of metadata is as a short explanation or summary of what the data is. A simple example of metadata for a document might include a collection of information like the author, file size, date the document was created, and keywords to describe the document.
· Muhammad Umar · 3 min

Convert Selected or Partial Spreadsheet Rows

You might be looking for a software component or API using that an excel sheet could be converted to PDF/Word or any other supported format partially. What is the difference? Many of us are just concerned with the output. Process an excel spreadsheet and get the right PDF/output. A simple conversion (Complete spreadsheet to PDF) is ideal until the source file has limited number of rows. Partial Conversion - Usability If you have a spreadsheet with more than 10,000 rows and your data or concerned rows are somewhere between 5,000 to 8,000.
· Atir Tahir · 1 min

Introducing a More Optimized and Simplified Electronic Signature API

Why change is considered as a hard but yet good thing to occur? Why the updates are important? This is because if there is no change there is no progress and staying the same over the time makes the things die. The updates in the software components are also similar when a new version of the same software replaces the old one. A software that remains the same and doesn’t introduce any improvements or new features becomes obsolete.
· Usman Aziz · 3 min