XLS, XLSX, and ODS are among the most common and widely in-use spreadsheet file formats. We normally maintain various accounts and different spreadsheets using famous Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc which support these formats. Therefore, as a developer, we widely require programmatically editing Excel files within our applications. In this article, we will discuss how to edit Excel files in Java.
The following topics are covered in this article:
Java API for Editing Excel Spreadsheets and Automation
GroupDocs.Editor provides Java API for spreadsheet editing and allows developers to load, edit, and save various document formats using WYSIWYG HTML editors. In addition to the spreadsheet formats, the API supports editing word-processing documents, presentations, HTML, XML, TXT, CSV, and many other formats.
Download or Configure
You may download the JAR file from the downloads section, or just get the repository and dependency configurations for the pom.xml of your maven-based Java applications.
<name>GroupDocs Java API</name>
Edit Excel Spreadsheets in Java
You can edit the spreadsheets right after setting up the API. You can get all the content including images within the spreadsheet. The following steps will let you edit the spreadsheet XLS/XLSX spreadsheets in Java.
- Prepare the loading options.
- Load the Excel XLS/XLSX Spreadsheet using Editor.
- Set the worksheet tab index and fetch the Editable Document using edit().
- You can get the content of the loaded worksheet tab using the respective getter method.
- Edit the content programmatically or by using any WYSIWYG editor.
- Convert the edited content back to an Editable Document.
- Save the updated spreadsheet with the appropriate save() method using relevant save options.
The following Java code allows you to edit the Excel spreadsheet within the application.
Load: You can apply additional options while loading the spreadsheet; like providing the password if the document is protected.
Edit: After loading, you can edit the loaded spreadsheet. The above example replaces all the occurrences of “Old Company Name” with “New Company Name” in the first tab of the XLSX spreadsheet.
Save: While saving the edited spreadsheet, you can set various options like password protection, file format, and more.
To conclude, we learned how to edit Excel spreadsheets in Java using document & spreadsheet editing Java API. You can use the API along with WYSIWYG editors to visually edit the spreadsheets. You can build your own spreadsheet editing Java application. For more details, options, and examples, you can visit the documentation and the GitHub repository. For further queries, contact the support on the forum.