In the era of online businesses, the use of digital invoices and receipts has largely increased. Similarly, the efficient data extraction from these digital invoices is also demanding. In this article, you will be knowing how to extract data from PDF invoices or receipts programmatically in Java.
Convert WebP to JPG, PNG, and PDF in Java
WebP images give transparency like PNG, animate like GIF, and the most important for any web developer is the smaller size than comparative quality JPG format. However, due to incompatibility issues or any other requirement, it is sometimes needed to convert the WebP image into JPG, PNG, or other formats.
Image Comparison in C# to Spot the Differences
Whether you want to build an application with spot the difference feature or if you want to compare two images within any of your image processing .NET based applications, you are at the right place. After this article, you can easily compare JPG, PNG, BMP, or images with some other file formats. Without wasting time, let us compare images in C# using the [.NET API for document and image conversion][1].
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Metadata Remover for Documents and Images using C#
Today we are about to learn some ways to programmatically remove or entirely clean metadata of documents as well as images using C#. In an [earlier post][1], we discussed removing the selective as well as all the available metadata properties from documents and images using Java. It is sometimes important to hide personal information from the receiver, that is attached to the document. Following are the topics that will help you clean your files from metadata using C#.
Read PDF Form Fields using C#
In this article, we will learn how to read and parse PDF documents and then programmatically extract PDF form field values in C#. Earlier, we have seen [how to extract values from PDF forms in Java][1]. After reading these articles, if you have filled feedback forms, you can extract the values within your .NET & Java applications for analysis or save them in the database.
Add Watermark to Images using C#
Let us see today, how to add watermarks to images. This helps you branding your official photography, and protects your pictures from any unauthorized use. This article will guide you to programmatically add text and images watermarks to your image files using C#. In an earlier post, we have seen the same to [add text and image based watermarks to images using Java][1]. After reading this article, it will not be difficult for you to add watermarks to JPG/JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, TIFF, JP2, BMP images using C# within your .NET application.
Metadata Cleaner for Documents and Images using Java
Metadata is the data that provides information about the actual data. It is commonly described as “data about data”. When sending a file to someone, it is not a good practice to send metadata along. It can reveal your information to the receiver that you may not want to share. Some of the examples include; Name, Company Name, Document Modification Date, Make and Model of Camera, etc. In this article, we will be programmatically removing metadata from the images and documents using Java.
Read PDF Form Fields in Java
In this article, we will discuss how to parse PDF document and extract values from PDF forms programmatically in Java. There are many situations, where we have several filled survey forms or feedbacks in PDF format from a large audience. We can easily extract the filled data values and use them for analysis. Let us now move straight towards reading these PDF forms and extract filled data field values within Java applications.
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